
HVAC Tips For The Fall Season

The months seem to go by so fast, and as the seasons change, your home’s HVAC functionality and needs will change, too. But our company is happy to help with heating maintenance before a home switches over from air conditioning to heating.

3 Things You Need To Do Before The Fall Season

1. Change your air filters

The seasonal HVAC check is a great time to make sure if you’re air filters need changing. They keep allergenic particulates out of your HVAC unit. That means you can breathe clean and healthy air and help your system last longer.

2. Test Your Heating System

Choose one day toward the end of summer or early in the fall, turn on the heat and crank it up a few degrees higher than the air temperature. That will help you make sure the system is still switching over seamlessly and properly heating the home.

3. Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance

We clean air ducts, inspect vents and examine the belt that powers the blower in your HVAC unit so that we can replace or repair anything that looks like it might not make it through the following season. Do not wait for things to go wrong – schedule HVAC cleaning instead.

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