
It’s Winter Time O’clock

Not much time passed before it was time to shut off the cooling equipment and fire up your furnace or heat pump for winter. Here are some suggestions for an effective HVAC winter preparation system:

1. Change the air filters

Change the air filters in your HVAC system before you start using the equipment. Filters help improve indoor air quality by removing particulates such as dust, pollen, fibers, and other material from the air moving through your heating system. Air filters also contribute to maintaining the airflow that is needed within your HVAC system.

2. Open and clean air vents

Air vents where heated air enters your home should be opened and cleaned. Remove accumulations of dirt, dust, pet dander, or anything else that could be dislodged by airflow and blown into your home. It may also be a good idea to check the ductwork to make sure it is clean and free from debris. And if it’s not, the best way to clean it is to leave it to the professionals.

3. Check and test the thermostat

The thermostat controls your heating system, so it needs to be in good working order. If there are troubles with the thermostat, replace them before they create serious problems.

4. Call for preventive maintenance

Call your local HVAC service provider and schedule a professional maintenance visit. That will allow an HVAC professional to inspect the system and make repairs and adjustments that will keep it working safely.

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