
Your HVAC System During the Holidays

The beginning of the holiday season means many things, lower temperatures, family time, cozy movie nights, and we can all agree that the most wonderful time of the year would not be as wonderful as it is without PARTIES! 

With all these celebrations and Xmas lights, holidays can be a little hard on the wallet! Your heating and air conditioning equipment is the biggest energy consumer in your home without any doubt. If you decide to host a party at your place, here are a few useful tips that can help you improve your comfort and decrease energy usage.Adjust your thermostat – Throwing a party at home means more people in one place, working oven and some red wine can really bring on the heat. Lowering the thermostat a degree or two can be done without any discomfort.

Keep the party at one place – Constantly going indoors and outdoors can increase energy usage. If it’s cold outside, constant door opening will increase heating demand which will result in higher bill. If you are lucky to celebrate the holidays in warm climate have an outdoor party. In general, try to keep it inside or outside.

Replace your filter – Dirty filter can decrease airflow and increase utility bills. Remember, you will want to change your filter once a month or at least once a season.

Natural air freshener – Everyone likes fresh-scented home, so try out some natural cleaning and air freshening methods instead of spraying harsh chemicals. This may save you a little money, and your indoor air quality will be higher.

And don’t forget to schedule maintenance appointment with your local air duct cleaning technician before the big event. That way nothing can interrupt your holiday celebrations!

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