
How To Keep Your House Warm

If you feel like you’re paying more than you should be for heating your home, this winter, you can make changes that will give you a warm home and help you to save money.

Lower the thermostat

Each degree you lower the thermostat on your heating system decreases your fuel bill by 3 percent. Lowering the thermostat to 3 to 4 degrees doesn’t matter much for comfort, but it can save up to 12 percent on your heating bill.

Move furniture away from the vents

The furniture will block the flow of heat into the room. It is a waste of money and will lead to cold rooms.

Change your furnace filter

Changing the furnace filter can save up to 5 percent energy and keep your home dust–free. The system will last longer and be less likely to break down. With proper care, filters can last up to five years.

Got drapes or curtains

Open drapes during the day and close them at sunset. It will give you free solar heat and warm your home, so you can lower the temperature and save up some energy.

Close the fireplace damper

When you don’t have a fire going, close the damper. An open damper lets the same amount of heated air escape as a wide-open window.

Make sure everything is in order by inspecting your HVAC system, and if you haven’t done seasonal cleaning, now is a great time to do it. Check our services.

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