
When to Replace Your HVAC Unit?

No matter how well-maintained your HVAC system is, you’re going to have to replace it at some point. An old HVAC can lead to poor air quality and cause growing energy bills. If you are not sure if it’s time to invest in a new AC, we reveal to you five signs for that!

Signs It’s Time To Replace Your HVAC System

1. Your AC system is 10-15 years old;
2. You have noticed more dust in your home;
3. An unusual smell is coming from your HVAC;
4. Pour air quality (such as dusty air, low humidity level, etc.);
5. Your HVAC system is struggling to keep your home at a consistent temperature;
6. Odd sounds (HVAC system should operate relatively quietly);
7. Repair costs more than half the costs of a new AC.

All air conditioning systems will require repair from time to time. But if your system needs a repair that costs more than half the cost of a new AC, it is better to invest in a new one.

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