
HVAC Industry as an Absolute Winner

Analyzing the last two years of the economy (2018 and 2019) we can definitely confirm that the absolute winner is the HVAC industry.

According to recent reports, 2018 U.S. HVAC Equipment orders were trending toward having the best selling year. New orders to manufacturers during the 12 months through October have reached an amazing $47.3 billion, which is the highest annual total ever and the swiftest pace for equipment new orders in more than five years.

Analyses show that the demand for HVAC equipment in the United States is going to increase up to 6.8% annually through 2019 to $20.4 billion.

Advances will be the result of rising demand for increasingly efficient HVAC systems and other products that have greater technological sophistication. Also, there is high demand in building construction spending, especially growth in improvement and repair expenditures as replacement demand contributes approximately three-quarters of total sales in a given year.

On the HVAC industry side, there are more HVAC contractors operating in the U.S. than ever before. Annual U.S. HVAC contractor employment averaged a record of 1.12 million individuals during the last 12 months. This makes the fastest annual employment growth in the industry in two years.

If you are considering buying a brand new HVAC unit in 2019, make sure to call your local air duct cleaning guys. Regular maintenance will extend the life of your HVAC unite and we promise great cooling and heating effects.

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