
Winter safety: Guidelines for HVAC technicians

Each season brings unique safety challenges, however, keeping technicians safe in the winter months can prove especially difficult. Experienced HVAC technicians need to be aware of risks and take all the necessary precautions. We’ve listed a few tips below to help technicians get through winter.Safe driving

Ensuring technicians on the road is a paramount concern. We have obligations to protect each of our employee’s health and safety, especially when employees driving in the course of their work. We do not want our techs to be in risky situations.

Dress for the conditions

Dressing in layers is crucial, for it not only keeps HVAC technicians warm but allows them to adjust to changing temperatures. Proper gloves, socks, and footwear are essential. 

Being well-rested

Working in a cold environment can be challenging and increases risks to technician’s safety. We make sure our technicians are getting enough sleep to stay alert on the job when conditions are more dangerous.

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