
How To Lower Energy Bill This Winter

Colder months usually bring higher energy bills. With shorter days and longer, colder winter nights, it might take more energy to heat your home. Some heat conservation tips can help you save money on your energy bill.

Close the damper

When you don’t use the fireplace, close the damper because heat can escape up the chimney if it stays open. You can also think about installing a glass screen as well.

Don’t block the air vents

If furniture or drapes block your heating vents, the furnace will work harder than it should. Blocked vents increase air pressure in your ductwork, which can cause cracks and leaks.

Adjust your thermostat

When leaving your home, lower the thermostat by 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping a consistent temperature setting on your thermostat and lowering the temperature when you know you will be out of the house will reduce your heating bills.

Pay attention to insulation

Excellent insulation can be an inexpensive way to reduce your electric bill in the winter. Adding insulation to the attic is a smart place to start since it can keep more heat in your living areas. Pay extra attention to areas where heat often escapes, especially around plumbing, and protect pipes from potentially freezing.

Keep the drapes open during the day

Sunshine can help heat a room. Opening the drapes during the day and closing them during the night can help you save on your energy bill this winter.

Besides these tips, be aware that proper maintenance and cleaning will ensure a properly functioning HVAC system and keep housing expenses stable.

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