
Winter Indoor Air Quality

The cold winter season is the prime time for poor indoor air quality. People spend most of their time inside, trading ventilation for heating, which traps pollutants and moisture leading to poor air quality.

What can make indoor air unhealthy?

Inadequate ventilation
When it is cold, everyone closes their windows and doors, which traps all the dust and debris inside. Additionally, poor ventilation keeps pollution at high levels.

Smoke from the fireplace
Most of us like getting cozy in front of the fireplace, but there is a negative side to it. Cold and dense winter air prevents smoke from getting out of the chimney, so it gets trapped in your home, causing respiratory system health problems.

Cold outdoor air is dry, so people often turn to humidifiers. Increased humidity levels can lead to respiratory system health complications and an increased population of dust mites.

Spending too much time indoors
Cold air causes the warm moisture in our breath to condense into tiny droplets of water. Water droplets float in the air, increasing the air temperature and humidity. The indoor space becomes less hygienic and more conducive to bacteria.

How to improve indoor air quality?

  • Improve ventilation
  • Monitor the level of humidity
  • Replace air filters frequently
  • Use less toxic household cleaners

Follow these simple steps, and enjoy healthier indoor air this winter.

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